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Don't Fake It! Here's How to Cry on Cue

Struggling to whip up those tears? Relax! Here's my method for learning how to cry in a genuine w...

Joyce Hshieh

7 Must-Know Differences Between Screen and Stage Acting and How to Adapt

Are you new to film acting? Here are 7 important aspects of film acting you absolutely must know.

Joyce Hshieh

Stanislavsky Sucked at Memorizing Lines

Yes, you read that title correctly. The godfather of modern acting himself, Constantin Stanislavs...

Joyce Hshieh

How to Use Exercise to Turboboost Line Memorization

Exercise increases cognitive function and helps improve memory and learning. Learn how to use exe...

Joyce Hshieh

How to Use Sleep to Supercharge Line Memorization

Sleep is essential to learning. It clears waste from the brain and consolidates memories for effe...

Joyce Hshieh

To Be Or Not to Be: The Best Way to Memorize a Shakespeare Monologue

This post will show you step-by-step the best way to memorize a Shakespeare monologue using Hamle...

Joyce Hshieh